Return policy

If you are not satisfied with your wine purchased from Grand Cru Vault for any reason, please reach out to us directly on the Contact page. We will contact you right away to arrange a call and discuss the reason you were not satisfied.

Refunds and returns will only be considered for the following reasons:

  1. Wrong wine was delivered

  2. Shipping error (A claim will be made with FedEx)

  3. Spoiled, cooked, damaged, or leaking wine

    • The complaint must be filed within 24 hours of receiving the wine.

    • For damaged bottles, pictures must be provided.

    • We only guarantee wines that are shipped in accordance with our shipping policy.

    • For spoiled or cooked wines, you might be asked to provide evidence in the form of a sample. We understand the frustration and disappointment or receiving bad wine. Since the perception of wine flavor is subjective and varies by individual, we cannot guarantee refunds for wines described as spoiled, cooked, or bad. Each refund will be considered on a case by case basis.

Refunds and returns will not be considered for the following reasons:

  1. You did not like the wine, it was not what you expected, or it underperformed.

  2. It is corked. This is the wine-producer’s responsibility.

  3. You changed your mind about ordering the wine.

  4. You ordered the wrong wine.

  5. It was a gift.

  6. You ordered too much wine.

  7. Any reason related to damaged, spoiled, cooked, or improperly stored wines that were received more than 24 hours ago.

Keeping our clients satisfied is our number one priority. Please feel free to reach out us for any reason. You will not be ignored, and you will have the opportunity to speak with a person. That my guarantee -Paul Anderson